Monday, October 3, 2011

morning!morning Autumn

today he could not find the will to go on
the morning grass was deep blue and cold

his windy thoughts have been taken by the black night
so he was empty..

he looked in the other side of the mirror to see her
didn't know is he one person or still both?.. did he care?

last night he did not find her lips on his rarely smiling face
the distance between them has changed into never ending space

the elements of the yellow day were still playing with the morning light
that was the reason his inborn disbelief was at the moment rather bright

he could not find in himself this girl who wake up after loosing one tear

one year ago in the world where down was up and up was a long way from here

he recalled his lover from whom the sound of the heart beating was taken
he did not get answer - his name was forgotten his faith was forsaken

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

father and son

there was a son who wanted to know
how to be happy despite the blow

he asked his father what to do
to avoid the sadness and forget about blue

the father was wise and thousand years old
a white long beard in his hand he could hold

he knew a story about lion and giraffe
so he looked at his son and he started to laugh

my little son you are too young to ask me about the life!
but I know one story which I have heard from my wife:

a little boy always dreamed of a gorgeous lion
with whom he could plant a green scion

at last he met a high giraffe with three spots
but it wasn't a thing of which he dreamed a lot

he could take the giraffe or wait for his gorgeous friend
he could feel sorrow but still knowing the lion will come in the end

so what had he chosen? do you know my son?
I think he waited for his real friend coz it was worth the fun!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I was your raindrops

I was your breath when you couldn't breathe
I was your eyes when you cried like a blind man

I was your sky when it started to rain
and the raindrops

the raindrops falling down on your skin
and I still remember your scent

the scent which took possession of me one day

Sunday, July 17, 2011

a little boy and the red balloon

there was a boy - a little one
so tiny that he lived in the trousers pocket of his mum

nobody could see him becoz of his size
but everyone knew that he was wise

although he was small like an ant
his dreams were huge and without bounds

one day he put all the dreams inside the red balloon
and started sailing in the cup of tea using a spoon

the red balloon run high!high!high! through the blue
up!up!up! strewing the raindrops and giving the clue

so if you see the red balloon above you
choose one dream and it will come true

Friday, July 1, 2011

the conversation with my devil - end of the game

so my sweet blondie slowly we're finishin' our race
I can see tiredness on your little pale face

the poor white King is God - don't be shocked!
we are playing Chess game on this forever frozen rock

I am black of course God is playing with white
uy! lucky day for me! it seems that Victory on my side!

the white King is weak and the Queen is gone
the Bishop and Knight are cowards and you blondie are only a pawn

so tell us God which figure will you take now to move?
the blizzard is coming so what will you choose?!

rivers are bleeding stars are falling down
oh my poor Lord.. I'll give you back your thorny crown

coz now I have to visit southern dark-haired girl to steal her life..
... c h e c k m a t e !.. ey my blondie! are you still alive?!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

the conversation with my devil – snowy mountains

so you have lost your hands.. how naive you were!
didn’t you know the shark certainly will bite like hell?

look! you have blemished with scarlet your shirt
be careful! in snowy mountains you cannot make dirt!

the next place which we have to cross
is bright and virgin and there’s a lot of frost

there lives white King I have known
he loved her wife but he had lost the crown

so the wife left him like you left hope and it remains apart
when cold autumn comes deep into your heart

although he was brave he cried like a child
she was gone like the rest and he became wild

he started to gobble little blondie girls...
come! we will visit him! oh don’t be scared..

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

the conversation with my devil – deep ocean

so you have lost your tongue.. how windy you were!
didn't you know even desert lizard can bite like hell?

but do not worry - words can be painful like hit by a stone
today being speechless can be a virtue like Veritas was in Rome

now without tongue and with one blue eye
we will cross the ocean vast like the sky

there in depths a cruel Wizard lives
who punishes all ocean's thieves

once he met a little girl
blondie one who had to bear

for her love crimes on her breast
rugged starfish keeping her in the past

ey! but blondie what's in your hands?!
it's a killer whale or a shark eating your pants?