Monday, October 3, 2011

morning!morning Autumn

today he could not find the will to go on
the morning grass was deep blue and cold

his windy thoughts have been taken by the black night
so he was empty..

he looked in the other side of the mirror to see her
didn't know is he one person or still both?.. did he care?

last night he did not find her lips on his rarely smiling face
the distance between them has changed into never ending space

the elements of the yellow day were still playing with the morning light
that was the reason his inborn disbelief was at the moment rather bright

he could not find in himself this girl who wake up after loosing one tear

one year ago in the world where down was up and up was a long way from here

he recalled his lover from whom the sound of the heart beating was taken
he did not get answer - his name was forgotten his faith was forsaken

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