Tuesday, July 26, 2011

father and son

there was a son who wanted to know
how to be happy despite the blow

he asked his father what to do
to avoid the sadness and forget about blue

the father was wise and thousand years old
a white long beard in his hand he could hold

he knew a story about lion and giraffe
so he looked at his son and he started to laugh

my little son you are too young to ask me about the life!
but I know one story which I have heard from my wife:

a little boy always dreamed of a gorgeous lion
with whom he could plant a green scion

at last he met a high giraffe with three spots
but it wasn't a thing of which he dreamed a lot

he could take the giraffe or wait for his gorgeous friend
he could feel sorrow but still knowing the lion will come in the end

so what had he chosen? do you know my son?
I think he waited for his real friend coz it was worth the fun!

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